Deep Frames, Shallow Frames
Shots that accentuate the illusion of depth are referred to as deep frames, while shots that flatten the space along the z-axis are called flat frames. Each type of shot has its own expressive value. The several compositional techniques used to control the perception of depth in the frame are called depth cues. Figure 1This flat frame from Lucas’ THX-1138 (left) intentionally suppresses indicators that imply depth while Kubrick uses several depth cues for this deep frame in The Shining (right). Relative size is the depth cue that arises from the way we judge the sizes of objects in the real world. By their relative size, we judge how far apart they must be in the near and far planes of the frame. In Figure 1, right, the fact that the two little girls are smaller than the boy’s head extends the perception of z-axis space because we understand that, in order to appear so small, they must be far away (in the background) from the boy, who is in the foreg...