Was Noah’s Ark a DNA bank?


From a strange birth to his Ark, Noah’s story has many details that … well, are out of this world! Was Noah’s Ark a DNA Bank?

Before the Ark, one must start with the archaeological discoveries about the great flood. Scholars speculated that rising ocean levels could have caused the Mediterranean Sea to burst through a natural dam, creating a flood so great it drowned an estimated 58,000 square miles under 500 feet of water.

And in fact, mainstream archaeologists know that in the Mediterranean there are over 200 known sunken cities. Those cities, too, were somehow flooded the same time that the Black Sea was flooded.

Written in the book of Genesis, the story of Noah tells how God “saw that the wickedness of man was great ,” and decided to destroy all of creation. Only Noah, his family, and the animals aboard the ark were allowed to survive and repopulate the planet. But is this the whole story?


Among the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls are various stories not found in the traditional Hebrew Bible. One such story tells of Noah and his strange, miraculous birth.

One of the Dead Sea Scrolls is called “The Lamech Scroll”. What is Lamech? Lamech was a shepherd.

And one day, Lamech, his woman was pregnant. And he said to her, “This is impossible. I was not here for months”.

But his woman with the name Bathenosh swears, “No one touched me.”

Lamech doesn’t believe his wife, Bathenosh, and he goes to his father, which was Methuselah. And Methuselah says to Lamech, “I can’t help you.I don’t understand this. I believe your woman, Bathenosh, “that nobody touched her, and I believe you. What shall I do?” So Methuselah goes to his father, the grandfather now of Lamech. His name is Enoch.

Enoch tells to Methuselah that the guardians of the sky have made an artificial insemination into the womb of Bathenosh, the wife. And he should accept this child, because this child will be the father of a new human generation. And in the Bible, this is Noah.

What if, as the story of Lamech is true and the guardians of the sky described in the story are, in fact, aliens? Does this mean that Noah was the product of an artificial insemination, a genetic experiment performed by extraterrestrials?


The Bible tells us is that Noah was pure in all of his generations. What does that mean? Why would the account, specify “pure in all his generations”?

According to the Bible, God sent the flood because of man’s wickedness and corruption. But the flood can also be seen has a means of ridding the Earth of biological imperfections.

By using Noah and his family, they could repopulate the planet with a genetically superior species. Part of this human society is, again, genetically backward, closer to the animal. These humans were spread out over the planet.

Another familiar element in the story of Noah involves the collection of animals brought aboard the ark. In the Bible, God commanded Noah to collect two of every kind of living creature–animal, bird and insect. But many biblical scholars and theologians agree that such a task would have been both physically and biologically impossible. Could there be another more scientific explanation?

Could it be possible that Noah’s Ark was once again misunderstood technology, and Noah’s Ark was a DNA bank?

Could it be technology somehow gathering up all living things as in a DNA bank of some kind? Hard to imagine, how that would happen so far back, but if it did happen, it would need to be told as a story, the story of a boat works as an extraterrestrial DNA bank as well.

The extraterrestrials need plants and animals and minerals on this planet, too.Just like when we go to Mars or something, we’ll be using what we can use on that planet. So, extraterrestrials coming here would want to do that as well. And if they knew that some cataclysm was coming, they, too, would want to preserve certain kinds of animals and plant life, and create, what we think of as Noah’s Ark.


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